I and I am born again.
Wow. Slow week. All my friends are off setting fires in the desert, and my inbox is a wasteland. As tempting as it is to hide my head under a virtual rock and just wait out the dry spell, I did realize today that I have neglected to even make passing mention to a pretty exciting development in the worlds of my two favorite Rs: Reggae and Radiohead:

I've actually known about the album for quite some time (ever since I heard one of the tracks a while back and was completely underwhelmed) but the more I heard about it the more my curiosity was piqued, so I decided to check it out.
I'm not one to get my hopes up. I've learned, especially after that awful bluegrass Radiohead cover tribute that Jeffro sent around a while ago ("10-4- copy that- God loves his children"... *shudder*), and the even worse Willie Nelson reggae album of last year, that a favorite artist plus a favorite genre does not a slice of fried gold make. But I must admit that I was pleasantly-- well ok-- at least not
terribly disappointed. It's not bad, and some tracks work quite well. Anyway, there are worse ways to pass a Thursday afternoon while strapped to a desk.
Oh, and in other Radiohead news,
the Bonnaroo set will soon be released on DVD. Good stuff.
Just a coupla things...
The future of
cell phones. Not terribly impressed, actually. Except by the idea that there is some prick out there that would spend $1.2 mil on a phone. And a butt ugly one, at that.
Check out the
project that my friends Juintow and Michael are building for a gallery in Silverlake. Niiiice. Gonna go help them blow stuff up soon.

Ok, gotta get back to "work" now.
Dammit to hell.
I'm cancelling my trip to San Francisco this weekend. Thanks for the
heads up, Ding Dong.
Oh, and also
Come see me play Friday night at Mighty with the Angels of bAss, Evil Breaks and Autobots. Not yellin, just sayin.

Hey, at least my friends are talented
So have I told you guys that I'm, like, totally into My Space now? (I'm so LA they should name a freeway after me). Mostly for the music element, because seriously, the idea of creating one central space where all these bands can host a website- and post their music and upcoming gigs, and network with each other, and see pictures of topless girls- is just pretty freakin awesome.
So the other really cool thing about My Space is that Rok is there. And Rok's new golf pose pic is so cool that I just had to go check out the full version on his page. That's when saw Scott C. in his top friends. (I'm also in Rok's top friends, btw, but just barely. I hope to work my way up into the top 10 by posting things about him on a blog. People love reading about themselves on blogs, right Jeffro?)
Anyhow, so Scott C is one of those people that I don't really see very often, and don't know very well, other than that he's always good for a high five. But I did have some inkling that he was this crazy good artist or something, so I checked out his My Space page, as I eluded to earlier. Don't worry, this is going somewhere I swear. Anyway, turns out he has a full on blog where he posts his stuff with some funny commentary.
Check it out. I really like this one, so I hope he doesn't mind (i.e. find out) if I post it here.

Bagel's got one too. Also a terribly talented boy.
Squirrel vs. Bunny

See you in the woods...
Brass Bunny Campout, August 12-13
I give you... Laser Fart

Have you ever met an uncool redhead? Didn't think so. That's because they don't exist. I mean, granted,
Gingers have no souls (see:
Carrot Top), but
Daywalkers are generally extremely cool people. Red power.
Most of you haven't met Jeff yet, but suffice it to say that he is the reddest head I have ever met. Some would even say he glowed. And that one of the first conversations I ever had with him included him turning to me and saying, "so a pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel sticking out of his crotch..." Yep, he's a suitor- bona fide.

He could have stopped there and rested on his laurels, but that wouldn't be the red way. First he introduced me to The Bu, the glory of which was revealed in an
earlier post. Then there was
Laser Fart. I wasn't even high when I saw Laser Fart for the first time, and still found it hilarious. Now there's an endorsement. Keep an eye out for the actor who plays Robot Dick-- I have a feeling this is one young man with his star on the rise.
I should mention here that LF's creator, Dan Harmon, went on to write
Monster House, which came alive and kicked ass thanks to the wizardry and skill of a very talented (and did I mention attractive?) team of
visual effects artists over at Sony.
Gooooood boy
I don't know why, but I just love
this article about Barney the guard dog going ape-shit in a children's toy museum chock full of rare & expensive teddy bears.

Who's the wizard who came up with the idea of using a doberman to guard these fuzzy toys? Have you ever seen how much dogs love to tear stuffed animals to pieces? I have. They freakin' love it. Windy amasses mountains of stuffed toys (stolen from her buddy Pickle of course) "kills" them by violently shaking them in her mouth, and then rips holes in them and pull out all the stuffing. That is what dogs do.

I also love the lesson here on value. Like these "toys" were worth a ton of money, but what's the value of a toy no one can play with? I'd say not much. For Barney, on the other hand, those toys were worth a giant pile of treats.
Looks like he had an absolute blast.
Good boy, Barney, good boy.
Our congratulations to the beard to be...

Don't feel bad, Gerome. You were one of many who were considered for this little gem...you just happened to come into the line of fire. Right place, wrong time, brother.
But in all seriousness, you couldn't ask for a lovelier beard than Amy, and we're really happy for the both of you.
So congratulations, GTG style!
Thanks again to Zaxxon for his snarkoleptic genius with the Photoshop.