It's Gonna Take a Village to Smackdown Barak
Today's the Pennylvania primaries, and voters black, white and bitter are clamoring to cast their ballots. Who will win? Hillary or Obama? Perhaps this decision is too important to be left in the hands of white blue-collar mill workers from Scranton and elitist superdelegates...So let's settle this the way John Adams would have done it - through the time-honored American tradition of the Smackdown!
Hamilton bested Burr 5,000 years ago with a masterfully executed suplex, and Warren G. Harding was taken out by Grover Cleveland's killer flying elbow. Literally, killer flying elbow. Harding died shortly afterwards. It's history. Go look it up.
Because if there's one thing missing from American politics today, it's bipartisan figure-four leglocks.
Ya know, I was firmly in the Obama camp until I saw this:
I need a candidate who will protect my interests, and Hillary definitely strikes me in that pic as a woman after my own heart.
I'm so torn. Thank God it's in Pennylvania's hands now. Where exactly is Pennylvania, G-Train? Doesn't ring a bell. Pun definitely intended.
That is a good pic. I'd love to see a pic of Obama drinkin O.E. 8-ball in the back of a benzo. Time to paint the White House black, kids.
And Pennsylvania's just south of elitism, east of ignorance, and north of racism, jess. God, get a map already - you should know this geography stuff.
Ok, I was trying to be subtle and clever.
I'll be blunt. You misspelled Pennsylvania, G.
Actually it's Pennylvania that's been spelling it wrong for years.
Everybody's wrong but me.
G-train just say that Steel state near Ohio and dont worry about spelling.
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