Aren't they all good Fridays?
It's almost Easter! Time to revisit a classic:
That thing still makes me laugh even though I've seen it a thousand times.
I love Easter. I still color Easter eggs, at least whenever I manage to guilt people into coloring them with me. My favorite is the magic crayon. You know the little wax crayon you use to scrawl a secret invisible message on an egg, and then when you dye it, the message appears - "Fuck You!" - hahahaahaaaaa! Candy is good too.
There's also some Jesus-type goings-on around Easter. So it's a perfect time to revisit another classic:
He could walk on the water, and swim on the land.
No wonder there are so many Christians.
Good Friday indeed. Got an email from our friend Brian over in Dublin this morning. Got to warn you, there is some powerful juju in this email. 5 Minutes after I received it I got everything I've been wishing for for the past few weeks. More on that later, for now, time to share the luck:
happy easter and big love from me in ireland to all you fuckin freiks sheiks and shapers ,long break takers and halfbaked shakers,todays a big day for getting what you want ,celestially speaking that is so light candeles and wish for good shit,big love to each and everyone of you ,my wish is this finds you all content and well,
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