White Out

Dudes, check it out. My gay friend Ed sent me this today. It's about white people. It addresses topics that are of interest to me. Like having gay friends called Ed. I also have several Asian friends. They kid me about being white and I often tease them about being Asian. Like, for example, they'll say something like, 'hey, white people can't dance!' And I'll retort, 'hey, you like rice!' This good-natured ribbing shows how cool we are with our diversity. I also have some black friends, but really only one latino friend (but he's also gay so, ya know, cha ching!), and no pacific islanders. Oh wait, does chilipeno count?

I felt a bit alienated by some of the other posts on Stuff White People Like, though. For example, I don't really wear t-shirts, shorts or outdoor performance clothes, and I've never seen an episode of the The Wire. In fact, aside from the above mentioned stable of diverse friends, I had almost none of the characteristics mentioned on the site that would qualify me as a white person. I suppose I do enjoy musical comedy- as evidenced by two of my previous posts this month. And I have a blog. And live in Echo Park, which is totally the new Silverlake. And I drive a VW. And I quite enjoy the new Vampire Weekend album, although I think they're becoming a bit overexposed...

Ahhhh, there it is. Cultural identity crisis averted. Whiteness affirmed.
Thanks, Ed! Now could you go adopt some multi-ethnic bilingual kids already?
I'll have you know that 1 Chilipino friend equals 10 black friends, 6.5 Mexicans, or 74 honkies. And that's a conservative estimate.
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