I give you... Laser Fart

Have you ever met an uncool redhead? Didn't think so. That's because they don't exist. I mean, granted,
Gingers have no souls (see:
Carrot Top), but
Daywalkers are generally extremely cool people. Red power.
Most of you haven't met Jeff yet, but suffice it to say that he is the reddest head I have ever met. Some would even say he glowed. And that one of the first conversations I ever had with him included him turning to me and saying, "so a pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel sticking out of his crotch..." Yep, he's a suitor- bona fide.

He could have stopped there and rested on his laurels, but that wouldn't be the red way. First he introduced me to The Bu, the glory of which was revealed in an
earlier post. Then there was
Laser Fart. I wasn't even high when I saw Laser Fart for the first time, and still found it hilarious. Now there's an endorsement. Keep an eye out for the actor who plays Robot Dick-- I have a feeling this is one young man with his star on the rise.
I should mention here that LF's creator, Dan Harmon, went on to write
Monster House, which came alive and kicked ass thanks to the wizardry and skill of a very talented (and did I mention attractive?) team of
visual effects artists over at Sony.
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