The things you can learn on your way to Quiznos
I love NPR. So informative. This story I just heard, for example, has so many of the elements that we love here at GTG... horses, a crafty polock, a trip to London... um, well, really that's all. But furills, check it-- a horse, about to be sold for dogmeat, is bought by a Polish- Australian cabdriver. Who knows why- the guy just saw something there that no one else did.

Good eye, cabbie, cause the horse went on to an undefeated streak that landed him a ranking as the top gelding in Australia and an invitation to race in front of the Queen Mum herself in the Royal Ascot in London. The race took place after
this article was written, so I'll catch you up to date- the little fucker won. That'll do, horse, that'll do. I smell a Son of Seabiscuit Hollywood movie deal in this animal's future...
That reminds me of this documentary I just saw about this zebra who thought he was a racehorse. No matter what those mean thoroughbreds said to him he just kept believing in himself and you know what? He won the big race! (with the help of his friends). He also won the girl (she's a jumper). And a father learned to get over his fear and set his daughter free and the daughter learned to trust herself and some flies made some wisecracks about eating poo. It was a great documentary, you should watch it sometime.
I saw that! Boy, oh boy did that Zebra have a heart of gold.
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