Your Standard debauchery
Ah, mid week debauchery. Sometimes you just can't wait for Friday. You need to howl at the moon, and you need to do it now. Which is why it wasn't too hard for my friends Jason and Serena to convince me to cart my old ass down to The Standard Hotel last night. Jason and his friends from NYC were kicking off a bachelor's weekend there, and he needed help showing them how the west coast rocks.
The Standard Hotel is an LA landmark. Sex and the City fans would remember it as the hotel where the girls stayed on their LA vacation. Stefbot would remember it as that place where we got wasted beside the pool on our LA vacation. Their big claim to fame is that their sign is upside down. Oh, and they keep a girl in a plexiglass box in the lobby. But they give her the basic necessities for survival- she was checking her email last time I looked.
Moving on, we had a blast just chillin and drinking smuggled vodka on the terrace (the Standard has a retarded policy forbidding outside alcohol because they want you to have to pay $11 a pop for their overpriced crappy cocktails-- one of the guys had to bribe the doorman $30 to let him bring in a bag of liquor). I ended up spending a good part of the evening geeking out about music with this guy.
Scissor Kick was one of the music blogs in my regular rotation back when I had the free online time to have a music blog rotation. Steve was pretty excited that I had heard of and appreciated it, and I was pretty excited to meet the guy who created it. Talking with him made me remember how much I love music blogs, and how much they've expanded my musical horizons. Now I rely mostly on radio to introduce me to new music, which in LA, hometown of Morning Becomes Eclectic, is actually not too bad an option. But music bloggers are consistantly on the cutting edge, introducing new artists and tracks that may never hit the airwaves, and the best ones have impecable taste. Even if the music they feature is not your thing, in most cases you will at least learn something new about the genre. Anyway, I think I missed Scissor Kick in my last shout out to music blogs, but it's definitely one of the better resources in the blogoshere, in my humble opinion. And Steve is a really nice guy who is probably doing very bad things in Vegas right now. Good on ya, Steve. Hope you're having a great time.
Yeah, Bang Mr. T at the Standard!
Why do I even try to elevate the conversation around here?
Zaxxon- you track down a Radiohead ticket yet? Won't be the same w/out you. Either way I'm inviting everyone to BBQ at your place before the show. ;)
Unfortunately, the cyber gods denied me a place at the radiohead show. On the otherhand, everyone is invited to BBQ at the crib.
If only you could get drunk off Silicone. That stuff is smuggled in all the time -- and has a built-in straw.
This elevator is going DOWN.
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