You're throwing away a fortune, Jabba, don't be a fool!

We all knew Lucasfilm would do this. They swore they would NEVER release the original versions of Star Wars, Empire, and Jedi on DVD. Then they waited for everyone to reluctantly buy the new versions for Christmas last year. Now they announce that, due to overwhelming demand, the original versions
WILL be released on DVD after all! Conveniently enough, and not at all surprisingly, they'll only be available from Sept. through December, 2006...hmm, just in time for Christmas again.
I wonder how much they'll gouge our wallets for have to buy the new versions
with the old versions. But how's this for a Jedi mind trick: one of us can buy them and burn just the old versions for everyone! Hooray for DVD burners!! In your FACE, Lucasfilm!
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