Happy Birthday, you handsome devil!!

So I debated what sort of post is most appropriate to mark this occasion, and I decided that since the only semi reccurring post we've had on the Ghost has been the Quote of the Day, I'd give you a little slice of fried gold to chew on at your lunch hour.
Today's quote comes from a track by Keith Lawrence featuring Seanie-T – Muzik-Ed Special, and is featured on Joe Ransom's Fabric Live CD:
Lyrical sweetness is your girlfriend's weakness
Every time you kiss her you will taste my penis.
Right. Nice.
I chose this quote today as Lil Dub and I were bopping down the road with the windows down on one of the finest days I've seen since moving down here to LA LA Land. We were on our way to Guitar Center to buy a UDG Trolley Bag (silver and oh so fine) so that Goldie won't have to carry my records around San Francisco for me all weekend (in case you haven't noticed, that chick is cut).
The quote appealed to me for so many reasons. First, since I now work in a glorified frat house where pool and foosball tourneys are the office priority and shit talking skills are noted on quarterly evaluations as strengths, I now appreciate taunts like these on a professional level. Second, since I am battling Ross Barringer on the decks Saturday night for the second installment of Heaven at Shine, I am saving up little gems like these with which to psych him out.
And that, people, is what we call a segue.
Come to Shine Saturday night. I'm not yellin... I'm just sayin
BUT before you do that, go show some love to the Wildlife boys tonight at Thursday is the New Friday. There's a lot of buzz about this night, and I wish I could be there to witness it. Give em all a pinch on the ass for me.
And wish the Ghost a happy birthday. He may have slowed down a bit in his old age, but haven't we all?
Stefbot is in Miami for the WMC, but I'm sure she'll have a few words to add upon her return. We can hope so, anyway.
This has been the best year of my life.
It's all thanks to you, GTG.
Wow. That's just, well, that is just beautiful. It's having readers like Jethro here that make all of us at GTG strive to give 110%.
Fuckin A.
If I remember/aren't too plastered Saturday night I will try to come support.
Happy Birthday GTG! I have yet to see anything else that has such a positive impact on people's ability to relate, communicate, and perform as GTG.
happy birthday GTG!
Spank, spank, spank, spank, spank, spank, oh: it is only the first birthday? well whatever: spank, spank, spank, spank, spank the bad ghost...
That's true, Chip. Thanks for noticing. We also invented the internet. And Playdoh.
Oh, and Otto, OUCH STOP THAT!! Ok, just one more.
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