Gooooood boy
I don't know why, but I just love this article about Barney the guard dog going ape-shit in a children's toy museum chock full of rare & expensive teddy bears.

I also love the lesson here on value. Like these "toys" were worth a ton of money, but what's the value of a toy no one can play with? I'd say not much. For Barney, on the other hand, those toys were worth a giant pile of treats. Looks like he had an absolute blast.
Good boy, Barney, good boy.
Fuckin bear was asking for it.
I hope Stephen Colbert picks up on this story. He totally hates bears.
I bet the owners were embearrassaed.
T. Bearinger
It just must of been unbearable for that poor dog. I wonder if Evis's bear kept singing, "You ain't nothin' but a hound dog" to torment the doberman.
god, i can not spell! i'm done. is it bear thirty yet?
Maybe GTG needs a big board like Colbert? I think Mr. Bearinger here may need to go "on notice".
We'll come up with some suitable pun-ishment for Mr. Bearinger.
hey guys, just bear with me..
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