Hey, at least my friends are talented
So have I told you guys that I'm, like, totally into My Space now? (I'm so LA they should name a freeway after me). Mostly for the music element, because seriously, the idea of creating one central space where all these bands can host a website- and post their music and upcoming gigs, and network with each other, and see pictures of topless girls- is just pretty freakin awesome.So the other really cool thing about My Space is that Rok is there. And Rok's new golf pose pic is so cool that I just had to go check out the full version on his page. That's when saw Scott C. in his top friends. (I'm also in Rok's top friends, btw, but just barely. I hope to work my way up into the top 10 by posting things about him on a blog. People love reading about themselves on blogs, right Jeffro?)
Anyhow, so Scott C is one of those people that I don't really see very often, and don't know very well, other than that he's always good for a high five. But I did have some inkling that he was this crazy good artist or something, so I checked out his My Space page, as I eluded to earlier. Don't worry, this is going somewhere I swear. Anyway, turns out he has a full on blog where he posts his stuff with some funny commentary. Check it out. I really like this one, so I hope he doesn't mind (i.e. find out) if I post it here.

Update: Bagel's got one too. Also a terribly talented boy.
jesus christ, i just spent the last two hours of my work day reading this bagelry in its entirety. you keep trying to get out, and it keeps pulling you back in.
i like issue #6. i'm still searching for the hidden 3rd 6.
"schooled by satan!!" - The D
Yo G. - how come only bloggers can post comments on your blog?
hold on a minute here. this is not a message board for brownhole's blog. even if he is a blog elitist who will only let other bloggers comment on his site. which he totally is. god, i hate that guy.
chip, go sit in a corner and think about what you've done.
Crap. Where's Jeffro or Bearinger when I need them now to hide behind?
PS - Hi Greg.
waddup chip!
didn't know comments defaulted to only bloggers. i changed that shit.
feel free to comment away on my blog. I ain't no blog-nazi like you know who (not stefanie).
You da man G! Stay cool in the heat.
I prefer "purifier of the blogosphere." Nazi is such an ugly word.
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