Let Us Bow Our Heads in a Moment of Silence
A truck hauling 25 tons of beef ribs went up in flames near Chicago yesterday, causing a massive, delicious, and unfortunately, completely wasted barbeque.
The trailer was loaded with 50,000 pounds of beef ribs, Bird said. He could not say what cut of ribs they were, but said, "There was no sauce."
No citations were issued.
Ha! I guess no one saw the Greenpeace skiff speeding away under cover of darkness.
Score one for the good guys. Ponzu!
I thought Stefbot had the rights to all posts regarding Chicago and large quantities of meat. What the hell is going on here people?
I believe Chip is correct. Wait, let me consult General Counsel...yep. Confirmed. Stefbot's turf.
Only one way to solve this- GTG Smackdown!!
Oh, and Jeffro, pretty sure if those cows were in rib form, Greenpeace already failed their mission. Now the bold sacrifice of our bovine friends was for naught. Naught, I say.
Oh, forgot to mention that g-train may wish to appeal counsel's decision on the basis that Stefbot has been MIA on this blog for several weeks.
I mean, hell, someone has to report the news.
Good point. However, I first need to see a signed and notarized waiver from Stefbot allowing G-Train posting rights for those topics. Then we can have G-Train make a motion for appeal. We may need to hold a formal hearing.
i hereby appoint chip the chief justice of the gtg supreme court.
Objection. Chip sticks his nose in, he'd be violating attorney-beefrib confidentiality. That's kind of a big deal.
In a brief respite of the legal argument, I apologize in advance for the bad joke:
Finally, the question posed by an old lady circa 1982 has been answered!
Where's the beef?
It's all over the HOV lane near Michigan Ave!
Don't want any conflict of interest G - maybe just make Stef the "Beef Justice"....
Oh, Chip. Just for that I'm nominating you Mayor McCheese.
Jess, that makes me grimace.
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