Three cheers for Jolly old England

As if being the birthplace of the world's best nu skool breaks AND Radiohead weren't enough, now we have another reason to love England. I heard on the news this morning that British soccer fans in Nuremberg have actually drunk the town dry. That's right, the British have drunk
all the beer in this
German town. No small feat, that. The people that spend their time calculating such things have determined that each fan had to have drunk an average of
17 pints a day each for things to have gotten to this point. Good on ya, mates. We at Brass Tax salute you. Hell, this might even make up for all that Becks and Posh bullocks.
Everything in its right place.

That's the perfect description of my weekend. For those of you not lucky enough to have made it to the Radiohead show, Brownhole has posted
his vid of Friday night on You Tube. Thanks, Greg! And a very very special thanks to Chip and Amy, who saved us a key position right in the sweet spot. The sound was so good where we were that I had to hold my heart in when the bass kicked. And to Zach and Megs, who hosted us for afternoon BBQ treats. And to Ross, who gave me my first ever motorcycle ride, and whose ribs are probably still bruised from the experience (hey, you said hold on tight!).
And thanks also to my sistah angel Viajay, who presented me with that Aquasky Radiohead remix that was the perfect end to my set at Shine afterwards.
Thom Yorke is Ghod.
The things you can learn on your way to Quiznos
I love NPR. So informative. This story I just heard, for example, has so many of the elements that we love here at GTG... horses, a crafty polock, a trip to London... um, well, really that's all. But furills, check it-- a horse, about to be sold for dogmeat, is bought by a Polish- Australian cabdriver. Who knows why- the guy just saw something there that no one else did.

Good eye, cabbie, cause the horse went on to an undefeated streak that landed him a ranking as the top gelding in Australia and an invitation to race in front of the Queen Mum herself in the Royal Ascot in London. The race took place after
this article was written, so I'll catch you up to date- the little fucker won. That'll do, horse, that'll do. I smell a Son of Seabiscuit Hollywood movie deal in this animal's future...
You will see, I show you

Just watched the
trailer for the upcoming
Borat movie last night and it looks to be hi-larious.
According to
this review, the movie will be just about what you would expect - funny as hell but tough to pull off as a full-length movie.

I think Adidas should sponsor the Kazakhstan
football team so Greg can get us all Kazakhstan jackets like Borat's. WAWAWEEWAH!
If you wanna bride...

Bride the white pony. That's what I'll be doing tomorrow night at the
Cloud Factory Design Collective fashion show at Studio Z. Jerome the U.G. and Brownhole will be starring as the pony, and Crouch, Feinberg and Mahnaz will be starring as horsey bitchez in cute little jockey outfits. No, not like Jockey underwear, more like
I'm very psyched for the show, even though I'm also very stressed out over it. It's just such a great feeling once the show starts and the audience starts roaring, and then in a blink of an eye it's all over - it's such a rush, and a huge release. Also I think the outfits I made this year turned out really cute - I'd never worked with stretch satin before and I am amazed at how well everything turned out. Oh and stretch satin makes the ladies' asses look HOT! Afterwards DingDong is playing, and that's always fun, so stick around and get drunk with us. I mean drunker. (You think we can actually get out on that runway even remotely sober?)

In related news (on both the white pony and fashion model tips), our gal Kate Moss was
acquitted of the cocaine charges, due to lack of forensic evidence (what, no lines drawn on the floor?). As Jess so astutely pointed out, Kate was clever enough to hide all the forensic evidence in her nose. Good lookin' out, Kate.
Incidentally I glanced at the Yahoo news headlines earlier this week and read "Moss extract being tested as
Alzheimer's drug" and for a second I thought they were talking about Kate Moss. Not much left to extract out of that girl, I'm afraid.
And on an unrelated note, we have this little screen in the elevators in our building that provide random news tidbits and factoids so you don't have to stare at your reflection in the shiny doors (although I do that anyways), and this morning it said some study has shown that happiness actually increases with age, even though both young and old expect otherwise. Seems to me that this might have less to do with age and more to do with letting go of lofty expectations and just enjoying being alive.
This day in Diplo stalking...
I know that I'm a little bit behind in the big scheme of things, but I am just now discovering the phenom that is My Space. Last time I checked out My Space it was just a bunch of 18 year old chicks with fake tits and dudes with fake bling trying to hook up with each other. I quickly deleted my account and laughed to myself that this whole thing was sure to fail. Who knew it was gonna blow up in a way that Tribe and Friendster never dreamed possible and become THE PLACE for indie musicians all over the world?
Ah well, better late than never, I went onto My Space to create a page for the
Angels of bAss. Then I started poking around. And guess who I found? That's right.
My boy. And he's all over the place! Producing people like Bloc Party and TV on the Radio like it's nobody's bidness. And it's not. You do your thing, baby. Do it.
And he's on tour, too. I'll try not to fall off the stage this time, I promise.
The "real" crackberry
You know when it's too hot to move? When all you can do is lie there in star formation (no arms or legs touching any other part of your body) and wait for that magical hour in the day when the weather turns from unbearably hot to warm summer evening?
Well, I suppose you guys up in San Fran might have forgotten by now what I'm talking about, but it was that hot down here over the weekend. Maybe I'm the only one, but I just can't eat when it's that hot. I especially don't even want to think about eating hot food. That's why on Saturday I found myself repeating this process over and over: 1) complain to roommate about how hot it is 2) notice that I'm really hungry 3) walk to fridge 4) groan at the thought of preparing and eating food 5) close fridge and walk back to papasan 6) mention to roommate that it is very hot today.

Then Greg showed up. Now that Greg is leaving I suppose Stef and I can sing his praises and finally admit that he's an alright guy. Not only is he an alright guy, but he has excellent taste in food. Last time he was here he turned me on to the best soul food in the Los Angeles area (what was the name of that place, G?), and this time he topped even that. Greg rolls up in a Mustang convertible carting a little treat for my roommate and me-
Let's imagine for a moment that you had one of those machines from Star Trek- the one that will create for you instantly whatever food that you desire. Now let's imagine that on a hot Los Angeles afternoon like the one described above you went to this machine with no real idea what you wanted to eat, and said, "Machine, make me the perfect summertime snack. Make it cool, fruity, refreshing... oh, and just for shits and giggles, make it healthy and non fattening." That machine would no doubt produce for you a pinkberry bowl. Think frozen yogurt- and I mean actual frozen yogurt- not that ice cream alternative shite they try to pass off as yogurt at TCBY- then add fresh fruit and coconut shavings. Sounds simple, but you can't really understand how profound it is until you taste that sharp tangy yogurty goodness mixed in with those little crunchy chunks of frozen fruit and chewy coconut. So good.
This stuff is the next level. Really. I wouldn't lie to you. I feel bad blogging about it, since as far as I understand the only Pinkberry currently in existence is here in West Hollywood. BUT- this stuff is gonna take off big, and when it does SF will no doubt get their own Pinkberry. Just remember, you heard it here first.
GTG- always on the vanguard with the latest in snack technology.