Hop on the G-Train
Testosterone may be "tumbling" in American males, but here at the Ghost it's the order of the day. That's right... Graffiti the Ghost: now with 33% more testosterone! Or something like that. I've never been good at math.
What I'm getting at is that we finally suckered a boy into joining our little team of Ghostwriters. We present to you: G-Train. You may not know him, but if you live in San Francisco or LA, chances are you've smelled him at some point.
Hehe. Get it, G? I insinuated that your body emits a strong odor when, in fact, you usually smell quite nice. That's the kind of sharp, biting humor and snarcaleptic genius we expect here at GTG. Don't let us down, buddy.
Don't Talk To Me About Halloween

Tomorrow is Halloween.
OK, so it's not really Halloween, but this year it falls on a weekday so I guess that makes Saturday the new Tuesday all of a sudden. We love how that's totally cool with everyone. Somewhere along the way everybody instantly agreed to change the day. Nobody said a word or even called a vote, someone just started sending out evites for Saturday, and next thing you know people are already putting on their plastic vampire teeth.
Looks like Christmas falls on a Monday this year! Uhhh yeah, you know what, that doesn't really work for G-Train. Christmas is now on Saturday too. December 23rd's the birthday of Santa from now on too, not Jesus. Start getting used to it now, because that's the way it's going to be.
Poof. Done.
Look, if you can do this to Halloween, we can do it to Christmas too. And what is G-Train going to be dressed as for Halloween? Sad. All it takes is a long face, a single tear, and a slouch. When somebody comes up and asks what's the deal, it will go a little something like this:
Person: So what's your costume?
G-Train: I'm Sad.
Person: That's your costume? Sad? That's all?
G-Train: Word.
Person: Why are you sad.
G-Train: Probably because of something you did.
You don't need a machine to make a rainbow for rainbows are made of happy thoughts and dreams and chocolate unicorns and gumdrops and licorice sunsets
(and fuzzy gum drops bears and chocolate covered chocolate gumdrop land...)

I just now stumbled upon my new favorite website, called
the Backseat Kiss. I haven't checked out the entire site yet, so let me suggest, nay
strongly urge that you to proceed directly to the crafts section. The craft ideas are clever and
dope, and the writing is witty and delightfully
crass. Plus slutty robots, pirate robots, and a
cocktail of the week, complete with accompanying cartoon.
Hey look -
What the duck?

K, so I'm bein' a duck for halloween. I finally got quackin' on my costume last night. No pattern, I'm just winging it. Of course I already ducked it up and made two right wings by mistake.
But really the reason I'm posting this is, it's a challenge to our pun-loving readers. I know you guys can come up with more than these. So bring it on.
No one takes me serirousry!

Wow. Even Kim Jong Il's
closest ally responded to his latest desperate cry for attention with a firm "WTF?" Reckon he's feeling
a rittle ronry?
Where's Alec Baldwin when you need him?
PS- Many thanks to all of you for your kind words and donations following the death of Lil Dub. I know he would thank you himself were he here. Probably by spitting gasoline all over you and trying to set you on fire. That bastard.
Seriously, though, it's always uplifting to see how our community rallies when one of us experiences misfortune. Hope I can return the favor someday.
Push push, push-push pushhhhhhh

Freakin' sweet!
Gitaroo Man is being
re-released for the PSP, under the name "Gitaroo Man Lives!", with all the original stages plus two new songs. Guess I gotta get a PSP now, so I can play on BART.

In case you've never played it, Gitaroo Man is the best video game evar. OK so it's the only video game on earth that I actually like. Except I don't like it, I
love it. So does Jess. See, here's a picture of us loving Gitaroo Man.
Gitaroo Man is a music game, where you're a dorky dude named
U-1, and your dog Puma helps you learn how to play the gitaroo against various freakazoid foes in these crazy Japanese battles, full of flashing lights and bizarro characters and super mega awesome music of every genre.

You even get weird nuggets of poorly-translated wisdom dropped on you throughout the game. What's not to love?
Incidentally, is it just me or does
Keiichi Yano, creator of Gitaroo Man, look like a middle-aged version of (BTx OG) Ken Sogabe?
A car cannot be killed, Frylock. It was murdered.
Lil Dub
1998-2006By now everyone has heard the story and seen the pictures, so let's not beat a dead VW. Let it be enough to say that Lil Dub's farewell was as dramatic as his
entrance into my life had been. He had spunk. He had moxy. It seemed to me he lived his life like a candle in the wind. Or at least he died like a candle in the wind. A big, fat, flaming, all consuming candle.
RIP, little guy. *sniff* May we meet again someday on that great big freeway in the sky.
Ok, now Serena and I are off to toast your memory. Irish Car Bombs for everyone!
PS- Thanks to Stefbot for the title idea. And for everything else. You rock.
Wait a second, this ain't no brain... this a damn bee's nest.

this right here is fuuuuuuucked up.
Go fuck yourself, Fox News!