Don't Talk To Me About Halloween

OK, so it's not really Halloween, but this year it falls on a weekday so I guess that makes Saturday the new Tuesday all of a sudden. We love how that's totally cool with everyone. Somewhere along the way everybody instantly agreed to change the day. Nobody said a word or even called a vote, someone just started sending out evites for Saturday, and next thing you know people are already putting on their plastic vampire teeth.
Looks like Christmas falls on a Monday this year! Uhhh yeah, you know what, that doesn't really work for G-Train. Christmas is now on Saturday too. December 23rd's the birthday of Santa from now on too, not Jesus. Start getting used to it now, because that's the way it's going to be.
Poof. Done.
Look, if you can do this to Halloween, we can do it to Christmas too. And what is G-Train going to be dressed as for Halloween? Sad. All it takes is a long face, a single tear, and a slouch. When somebody comes up and asks what's the deal, it will go a little something like this:
Person: So what's your costume?
G-Train: I'm Sad.
Person: That's your costume? Sad? That's all?
G-Train: Word.
Person: Why are you sad.
G-Train: Probably because of something you did.
mmmm, gravy...
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