I pity the fool who don't play with finger puppets

This, my friends, is what Mr. T as B.A. ("Bad Attitude") Baracus looks like in finger puppet form.
It was made by a nutter in Scotland, who designs under the name "dingdongdesigns," oddly enough. You can get yours (and other cute things) at Etsy. Not sure if any of those finger puppet table retailers around the city have Mr. T - I know I've never seen one.
While researching this post (yeah that's right, I'm researching Mr. T...what, like you have better things to do at your job today?), I found that Mr. T also pities the fool who wears too much bling. Yep, T stopped wearing his gold chains after helping Katrina victims and seeing how the people down there were living. "I felt it would be a sin against my God for me to wear all that gold again," he says. Take that, Mary J. Blige.
T's also got a new show coming up on TV Land called I Pity the Fool, where he travels around helping people who are in need of a little Mr. T-style life coaching. God bless ya, Mr. T. I would like to suggest that you start with Lindsay Lohan.

Finger puppets, welcome to school:
Switch to english if you want, then click 'videos'. -- Start w/ the 1st one cause it supports my theory that all djs are knuckleheads.
'cept for jess, she's all boo-tay
i forget that there's magic in this world until something like this comes along
This may not be about finger puppets, but I just saw this and thought it needed to be shared:
Gotta love the rasta baby....
Damn, that knucklehead's scratch is makin me itch.
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