Barely Legal
In addition to being the name of Jeffro's favorite "photojournal," was the name of the Banksy warehouse show we attended yesterday evening. Here are some pics:

And yes, that is a real live pink elephant in the room. And everyone was talking about it.
See more complete (and definitely better photographed) coverage here, including pics of the VIP opening night, where Brangelina, Meg White, and Perry Farrell's wife's breasts were among the list of ginormous celebrities in attendance. Rumor has it Brad and Angie scored no less than 10 of Banksy's works, paying as much as 100K for one piece alone. That'll buy a lot of spraypaint.
Oh, and here's Jeff in his fancy driving goggles. They're all the rage with Echo Park hipsters in the know.

Anyone who's interested can also check out pics of Bubbles, the installation I've been helping my friends Juintow and Michael complete over the last few weeks. The opening night was Friday, just in time for the Silverlake Art Crawl (which, quite frankly, kinda looked more like an art stumble by the end of the night. Who knew art could give you such a hangover?).
CNN even just posted a video about the live pink elephant
Well, if there's one thing dude man is good at, it's drawing attention to his stunts. The cards passed out at the show read: There's a pink elephant in the room. There's a problem that no one is talking about." It then went on to detail statistics of global hunger and poverty.
Of course now everyone is just talking about the pink elephant.
Thanks for turning me onto the show, I really enjoyed it.
As far as the goggle shot... you just lost your photo privilages, lady.
Yes, I considered the fact that there would be those who would be shocked and perhaps even offended by the goggle picture, but decided after much internal struggle that the photo was integral to the post and that I would be sacrificing my artistic integrity if I did not include it.
The moral of the story is that whether person or pachyderm, we must all make sacrifices in the name of art.
Letter to the Editor: My favorite photojournal is 'Nearly Legal'. Please print a retraction.
Is that elephant under 18?
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