Push push, push-push pushhhhhhh

Gitaroo Man is being re-released for the PSP, under the name "Gitaroo Man Lives!", with all the original stages plus two new songs. Guess I gotta get a PSP now, so I can play on BART.

In case you've never played it, Gitaroo Man is the best video game evar. OK so it's the only video game on earth that I actually like. Except I don't like it, I love it. So does Jess. See, here's a picture of us loving Gitaroo Man.
Gitaroo Man is a music game, where you're a dorky dude named U-1, and your dog Puma helps you learn how to play the gitaroo against various freakazoid foes in these crazy Japanese battles, full of flashing lights and bizarro characters and super mega awesome music of every genre.

Incidentally, is it just me or does Keiichi Yano, creator of Gitaroo Man, look like a middle-aged version of (BTx OG) Ken Sogabe?
Wow. I just found out that it's impossible to read about Gitaroo Man without saying, "Geeeetarooooooooo Man" out loud. Now everyone in my office thinks I'm a freak. I mean more than they did before.
And yeah, that dude looks just like Ken. Only bald. Then again, I haven't seen Ken in a while, and he does have a kid now, so chances are that's a pretty accurate pic.
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