We thought we knew what hardcore was till
this bitch came along. Just guessing here, but I bet she marks her bingo cards with live grenades, does bumps in the handicapped stall at the retirement home, and I'm pretty sure that cake's filled with nails and broken glass.
Blah blah blog
Lots of good stuff piling up here in the ole blog-o-tricks, so let's just have an old fashioned link dump, shall we?
this if you want to. Whatever. I don't care. Just remember- I was into it way before you were.
The man suffers from
premature combustulation. Can't really blame that arsonist for not wanting to stay through the weekend. Everybody knows all the good parties at Burning Man happen early in the week. Besides, Tuesday is the new Saturday.

Oh, and
staying home with google maps is the new going to BRC.
And, lessee,
this is pretty cool. Allows you to block senders, screen calls, and makes the Dept. of Homeland's Security's job that much easier by recording every conversation that comes through and logging it on an insecure website. And yeah, I think they've caught onto what you mean when you say you want to score an "Ozzy" at 4:20, you silver tongued master of subturfuge, you. But don't worry- they still don't give a shit.
That's all for now, folks. My inbox is a veritable desert wasteland this week. Where the hell is everybody?
(PS- thanks Jeffro, Colin and Stephen for the links, and Chip for the LOL Burner.)
Sunset Junction, What's Your Function?

The thing I love about
Sunset Junction is the diversity. There were all kinds of white people there. But as I squeeze past goth chicks in butterfly wings and guys in bowler hats who still listen to Smashmouth, it suddenly hits me:
It's probably a trap.
I imagined we were all just
hipster rabbits in an overcrowded hipster rabbit farm, distracted by indie bands and iced lattes until every now and again some Scientologist would reach his meaty hand into the fair and eat one of us. It could also be the perfect way for the mainstream to solve the
hipster question by getting everyone who still says "deck" in the same place at the same time. The year they start selling imported German vinyl the trap will be complete.
So I'm onto you, Sunset Junction. But for now, it'll take weeks to get that lingering smell of ironic detachment out of my vintage tee, and I'm sending you the bill.
Friday bonus round
Thanks to DingDong for dropping
this nugget of kung fu awesomeness in my lap.
I love when he kicks the kids in the head. So good.
Friday grab bag
Yeah yeah, so we haven't posted much lately. But I have been saving up some random tidbits and I think I finally have enough to constitute a full, albeit scattered, post.
Up first,

That's some f'ed up shit right there. You're fighting the global war on terror with your license plate? O-keeey.
Moving on.
I don't remember how I stumbled upon this but there's some cool art in it -
Royal Magazine. I like
these portraits by Fiona Aboud.

Speaking of art, I found
these paintings a while back while searching for a picture of
Pterri the Pterodactyl from Pee-wee's Playhouse and I really dig 'em. Fine art meets your favorite pop culture/TV icons. Seriously - Pterri gettin' busy with a nekkid Miss Yvonne? I want, I want! And the artist, Isabel Samaras, lives right here in the Yay Area. Yay.
Also on the art tip (what, am I Jess now?), check out these dope dresses, scarves and wall hangings made entirely out of interconnected felt shapes by
Galya Rosenfeld. She also has some cool stuff made of pins (see "pinafores") and snaps and such, so do take some time to poke around her site - there's a lot that's worth seeing. From her bio:

"Ruled by mathematic formulas as much as creativity, Rosenfeld’s designs emerge from the place where whimsy meets pragmatic thought. Her pieces are individually crafted, often without the use of thread, patterns or other tools found in traditional tailoring."
I have stared and stared at the modular pieces and still can't figure out exactly what the shapes are and how they're holding together. I guess I will just have to go visit a gallery or one of the stores where they sell her work and stare at it in person. Rosenfeld also resides here in the Yay, and her scarves are available here and in Santa Monica (for you LA types).
What else, what else. OK. You've probably heard about
Bacon Salt by now. I haven't tried it, but I am very suspicious of anything that claims to have bacon flavor but
doesn't actually contain any bacon. I'm all for giving our vegetarian friends a little taste of the good life, but not if it means giving them a false representation of the greatest and holiest delectable in the world of meat, i.e. pork fat.
Truffle Salt, on the other hand, is a product I can endorse whole-heartedly. Italian sea salt blended with ground black summer truffles. OMG. Unless you have major issues with sodium, I advise you to get out to the Ferry Building (if you're in SF), Rockridge's Market Hall (if you're in teh beast), or jump online (if you're somewhere else) and get you some. Sweet Jesus on a steak, this stuff is freaking amazing. Put it on a steak, potatoes, eggs, basically anything you could put regular salt on, and you will have a masterpiece of flavor on your hands (and very quickly in your mouth). The first night we brought this over to the home of Shernie to try it out, we were all sneaking off to the kitchen every few minutes to find some new vessel with which to transport more Truffle Salt onto our tongues.
Truffle Salt - It's the new crack!
And finally, because it's Friday, treat yourself to a big, hot chunk of
Rock-a-fire Explosion. Go on, you've earned it.