Sunset Junction, What's Your Function?

The thing I love about Sunset Junction is the diversity. There were all kinds of white people there. But as I squeeze past goth chicks in butterfly wings and guys in bowler hats who still listen to Smashmouth, it suddenly hits me:
It's probably a trap.
I imagined we were all just hipster rabbits in an overcrowded hipster rabbit farm, distracted by indie bands and iced lattes until every now and again some Scientologist would reach his meaty hand into the fair and eat one of us. It could also be the perfect way for the mainstream to solve the hipster question by getting everyone who still says "deck" in the same place at the same time. The year they start selling imported German vinyl the trap will be complete.
So I'm onto you, Sunset Junction. But for now, it'll take weeks to get that lingering smell of ironic detachment out of my vintage tee, and I'm sending you the bill.
i think the hip, clever, smartass thing went out with ethan hawke after he stopped looking good, post 1993.
still says deck? i never heard of anyone saying deck in the first place. phew, i guess i am officially not a hipster. unlike some people named g-train.
I'm not a hipster - because if I was, I'd have disintegrated into a Gaulois cloud of fruit-infused vodka as soon as you called me out as one.
Yeah, never heard deck before, and I'm white and live in Echo Park, which automatically qualifies me as a hipster. But wait, I just negated my hipsterness by calling myself a I guess that makes me Latina?
I'm so confused.
PS- word verification bdrcls, which isn't a word, but perfectly sums up how I feel today after too much red wine last night.
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