Thursday, July 12, 2007

Like Alice without Wonderland

The Good News: Scientists have figured out how to target the pleasure center of the brain!

The Bad News:
They invented a pill to turn it off.

Wow, those scientists know how to have a good time. I'd love to be at one of their parties where they're passing these babies around.


At 4:39 PM, Blogger jeffro said...

Won't an anti-drinking pill cut into the sales of Pfizer's real cash-cow, Viagra?

At 5:48 PM, Blogger G-Train said...

Not as much as the anti-sex pill I've developed will.

I've been secretly hiding them in Dungeons&Dragons sets around the world for years.

At 6:14 PM, Blogger jeffro said...

Albert Hofman's discovery of LSD aside, it's usually a poor idea to be your own guinea pig when developing new chemicals. Guess you learned that the hard way, huh G?

BTW, what level dungeon master are you?

At 6:16 PM, Blogger G-Train said...

I'm sorry, did you ask me something? I couldn't hear you because I was having sex.

I don't think these pills are working.

At 9:09 AM, Blogger Jess said...

Oh, would the two of you please just fuck and get it over with.

At 3:25 PM, Blogger snarkycat said...

dang that's what happened to the poor cat last night.


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