Like Alice without Wonderland

The Good News: Scientists have figured out how to target the pleasure center of the brain!
The Bad News: They invented a pill to turn it off.
Wow, those scientists know how to have a good time. I'd love to be at one of their parties where they're passing these babies around.
Won't an anti-drinking pill cut into the sales of Pfizer's real cash-cow, Viagra?
Not as much as the anti-sex pill I've developed will.
I've been secretly hiding them in Dungeons&Dragons sets around the world for years.
Albert Hofman's discovery of LSD aside, it's usually a poor idea to be your own guinea pig when developing new chemicals. Guess you learned that the hard way, huh G?
BTW, what level dungeon master are you?
I'm sorry, did you ask me something? I couldn't hear you because I was having sex.
I don't think these pills are working.
Oh, would the two of you please just fuck and get it over with.
dang that's what happened to the poor cat last night.
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