Live from Kakamega
This just in from G-Train:Your intrepid correspondent is reporting from the awesomely named
Kakamega, Kenya (makes me think of dropping the foodbabies off at the
pool), about to head off blindly into a rain forest. Just spent a few
days in the Masai Mara and Serengeti, which is almost as wild as an
evening at Wendy's with David Hasslehoff.

Giraffes get their first taste of the G-Train.
OK, for the record, going on Safari in Africa is some Jurassic Park
shit. After seeing lions, cheetahs, and giraffes come out of nowhere
like 5 feet away from me for 4 days, I'd only be kinda surprised if a
dinosaur popped out from behind a bush and snatched up a unicorn in
its jaws. Besides the huge baboon that kept coming into camp and
barking at us for food like a needy little diva, the coolest thing I
saw was a standoff between a herd of elephants and a pride of lions.
It was like Westside Story, except here the Jets and Sharks actually
eat each other.

I'm filthy, scruffy, and extremely sunburnt. Which means I'm the same
as I normally am, except the sunburnt bit, I guess.
More soon. Smell you later...
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