Short Fat Revolution
Apparently the uppity short, fat people got themselves organized and now want the same rights as you and me.
I guess this means I'll have to release my pet midget now. That sucks.
I'd drive him to work sometimes like a Tauntaun, riding piggyback and holding on tightly to his back hair while he ran on his stumpy little legs. And whenever my friends and I needed a laugh we'd get him stoned and give him a battleaxe - that Middle Earth shit never gets old.
Can we put G on probation now? Or deport him? Please? He dserves it b/c he's making me ask the question, "What the HELL is that oompa loompa on the right looking for in his leotard?"
and NO, I really don't want to hear the answer.
He's checkin on his younglings Jeffro.
See, dwarves are born with a special kangaroo pocket in which they carry their newborn until they are strong enough to mine gems on their own.
God, keep up Jeffro.
Let's get back to the question at hand- can we deport g-train? He was born in America, so I'm not sure where we could deport him to... but I figured what the hell, let's give it a shot. So I called the Dept. of Homeland Security and told them there was a man of swarthy complexion working at Sony, and that he was always going on and on about being "the bomb."
They seemed extremely interested to know more about this "bomb," and since I'm pretty sure they can just grab people and hold them indefinitely these days, g-train might be going away on a little "vacation" very soon. I'm sure he'll come back afterwards and try to convince us all he was somewhere really exotic, like Africa, but we'll know he was really doing the abu ghraib with a Marine named Boomer the whole time.
You can thank me later.
Hell, I'll just thank you now.
By the way, the Word Verification box for this comment is "eqbot". Which happens to be what I feel like right now having just finished 40 hours straight of sound editing.
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