Ma' cavity

No, I'm not talking about the Hidden Paw from the "Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats," or this fur-clad bastard. I'm talking about the sad little hole in my toof that's getting filled this afternoon. Apparently you're never too old to get a cavity. Anyone know of a good BYONitrous dentist in the Yay Area?
Let this be a reminder to you, our gentle, dental-pick-fearing readers, to remain vigilant against those who would make holes in teef.
i told you flossing causes cavities.
Jeffro never flosses. Jeffro has never had a cavity. Never.
But if I did, best be sure I'd be getting it taken care of by The Master
I see my dreaded nemesis the gum disease Gingivitis, is back. I swore I defeated him in the Great Plaque War back in '82.
I'll round up my spearmint and wintergreen flavored posse.
It's on.
In the grand scheme of things, a little cavity is not bad--and at this point in our lives, a cake walk. I had to get a crown AND a deep cleaning last year. I was two pieces of chocolate away from a root canal. Not so fun. Brusha brusha brusha
Don't bring the gingers into this, G-Train. I'm pretty sure this is not their fault. Pretty sure...
I guess we shouldn't overlook the wisdom of Master Shake in this moment of dental peril:
"Plaque is a figment of the liberal media and the dental industry to scare you into buying useless appliances and pastes. Now, I've heard the arguments on both sides, and there is nothing to convince me of the need to brush your teeth...
I got rid of my teeth at a young age because... I'm straight. Teeth are for gay people. That's why fairies come and get them."
Teeth are totally gay. I have an appointment to remove mine tomorrow. I'd rather have my manhood than my molars.
And chew on this: Both ginger hair and plaque are yellowish. Coincidence? I'm just saying.
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