Friday, March 16, 2007

Somebody's gonna be pregnant

Congratulations - if you're reading this, you successfully survived the Ides of March. Now if you can only get through St. Patrick's Day without getting as drunk as Tracy Morgan is in this clip, you'll be golden. Prince Pablo and I were crying from laughing as we watched this yesterday:

(thanx pp for the link)

And speaking of Tracy Morgan, there's no time like the present to shimmy into your green jumpsuit and revisit good ol' Astronaut Jones:


p.s. DingDong is playing at Mighty tonight with a bunch of other DJ types. Come on out - if it's warm out they might have him playing outside, and that spells F-U-N.

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At 3:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, the sound of the camera guy cracking up is really all you need.

v-YET Nam!

At 3:20 PM, Blogger Jess said...

I love that clip so much I want to take it round back behind the elementary school and get it pregnant.

PS- If you haven't seen 30 Rock yet, what the hell is wrong with you? Tracy Morgan plays himself. What else do you need?

PSS- When you do watch it, note the uncanny resemblance between Tina Fey and our very own Golidlox. For true, it freaks me out a little bit sometimes.

At 2:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i totally see the goldilox thing. i now like this show even more.

At 10:16 PM, Blogger G-Train said...

Laugh all you want, but that belly slappin kinda brought the sexy.


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