Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Do-It-Yourself Foreign Aid!

First off, this might be the greatest thing I've seen in a long while.

This morning I'm sitting there reading the NYTimes, and I see Nicholas Kristof's column about poverty in Afghanistan. He talks about Kiva, a small microfinance non-profit organization started in 2004 by a couple who traveled through Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda (exactly the countries where I'm going to be traveling to in a coupla months). So I checked into it, and it's legit.

The idea's ridiculously simple: You find an entrepreneur in a developing nation, learn a bit about the business they're starting up, and if you dig their business model you lend them some money through Paypal. In a year or two, they pay you back 100%. Then you withdraw your money. Or you can lend more to somebody else. They have a repayment rate of 100%.

The world's flat, kids. Yay the internets.

Maybe someone can make a microloan to Duke so they can buy themselves some real basketball players. Snap.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Somebody's gonna be pregnant

Congratulations - if you're reading this, you successfully survived the Ides of March. Now if you can only get through St. Patrick's Day without getting as drunk as Tracy Morgan is in this clip, you'll be golden. Prince Pablo and I were crying from laughing as we watched this yesterday:

(thanx pp for the link)

And speaking of Tracy Morgan, there's no time like the present to shimmy into your green jumpsuit and revisit good ol' Astronaut Jones:


p.s. DingDong is playing at Mighty tonight with a bunch of other DJ types. Come on out - if it's warm out they might have him playing outside, and that spells F-U-N.

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