"Mostly" legal
You know, sometimes a site comes along that's so... so... well, you just have to explore it for yourself. Trust me. Fried gold. Deep fried gold. Double-dip deep fried gold.Felonspy
Where to begin on my favorite parts of this site? Let's start with the sponsored links. They seem to change each time you visit, but earlier they included "Jihaad, yes or no?" "Violent Midgets" and "Scientology Loans."
But all that is just stage dressing. Let's get down to the real meat on this hog:
Can I help by suggesting someone who needs to be listed?
Yes you can! Just use our contact page, and we'll get them added in a hot hurry. Usually we verify it, but usually we don't have the needed time or resources to insure it is valid. Please use this tool with honesty and integrity. link
Gosh. Good thing I'm not burdened by either honesty or integrity. Jeffro, watch your back. I have a feeling there might be some uzi wielding rednecks who somehow got it in their hot heads that you're a bible burning hippie with a taste for kiddie porn. Oops!

That's ok, they look like nice guys. I'm sure if you write to them and explain that it was all just a joke, they'll go ahead and remove your name.
If a name needs to be removed, it will happen on its own, and there is nothing you can do about it. There are no mistakes in this site, and if you think there is, you're probably the exact sort of criminal we all need to beware of.
If you still believe that a name has been listed here in error, yours or someone else's, you still have several options at your disposal:
1. Go fuck yourself, you fucking criminal and/or criminal aiding, abetting ass,
2. Confess now to your wrong-doings and pray to the father, the son and the Holy Spirit that the judge will look mercifully upon your case. link
Oh, hmmm, I see. Well, I can't speak for the father and the Holy Spirit, but the son doesn't look very understanding. Sorry about that, bro. BUT- don't worry. In spite of all the rifle ads and tough talk, this site in NO WAY condones any sort of vigilante justice. See:
I want to kill someone, should I use this database as a guideline?
No you shouldn't, mostly. link
Dip that fried gold in chocolate, because I put in my addy in Venice and turns out there's a few criminals living in middle of the Pacific Ocean.
Either their map's not spot on or the mermaid commnunity has its bad apples too. I suspect the latter.
I'd imagine those are the smart criminals- they're headed for international waters where they can finally live in peace.
I thought that my home was my castle
no one scrutinizing me
No pigs
No lyin' bitch
No hassle
Ya'll are brutalizin' me
Can't a man not drink his beer in silence?
Can't a man not crudely lie and scream?
Can't a man not control his bitch with violence?
Ya'll are brutalizin' me.
Ya'll are brutalizing me.
That'll do, Ronny. That'll do.
your intimate understanding of the criminal mind never ceases to amaze me, Jess.
actually never mind, you just ceased amazing me.
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