Burret Point!

Important announcement, folks. GTG has entered the 21st century. We've got analytics. That's right, Google Analytics. I wanted to find out if we have "lurkers" (that's webspeak for people who read but don't comment. Hey, I'm here to educate), or if our readership is truly comprised solely of the 4 of us and Jeffro.
How surprised was I to find that not only does GTG have a healthy domestic following, but, wait for it...wait for it...we're international. Let me just take a moment to holla at our reader from jolly old England! Wotcher!* And our new mate from Down Under! Most exciting of all, though, is that we're HUGE in Japan. 9 hits from the land of the rising sun today alone. Of course, it may have all been the same dude trying to figure out why Paris Hilton has a square nipple.
In any case, let me be the first to say dozo, oyasamenasai, o-hai-oh and especially HAI! to our new friends. That may not make any sense whatsoever, but it's all the Japanese I know, aside from "korekama fax-0 okurimas" which means, "I'd like to send a fax," and something tells me that's inappropriate to this conversation.
In honor of our readers from the east, allow me to introduce Ill Kum Jim. Because, as I like to say, if you offend one Asian Nation, you offend them all, and we aim to please. I've already put out an invitation to this guy to MC my Halloween DJ set. He's going as himself (obvs), and I'm going as Condi Rice. Cause, as you will learn from his little ditty, Asian men love Rice.

I've already got a costume- I'm going to cover the back of a shirt with rice, and on the front I'm going to pin the lease to a condo (give it a minute- there it is). All I need now is to get Sadie Mae a lil oil tanker costume.
And, in related news: Jackie Chan to play Mr. Miyagi. And that, dear readers, is something at which we can all take offense.
My work here is done.
Well, almost done. Squirrelcam!!!
*dunno what wotcher means, but I read it in a Harry Potter book so I'm pretty sure it's British.
Thanks to G-Train for his photoshopping skillz, and to Serena and Brian for the links.
I stopped reading GTG a long time ago.
I guess we really hit our peak in the early 1800's.
We were kind of a big deal during the industrial revolution - the South dug our relentless attacks on Eli Whitney's misleading lack of alcohol in his newfangled cotton gin.
Yeah, wow those were the days. Unfortunately, we were way ahead of our time. Since the internet hadn't been invented yet it really cut into our online readership. We were forced to print our posts on Spotted Owl skins, and you see how that turned out for the owls. This really is more efficient.
here's the japanese i know: eruka hagi ju hachi ha.
it means, "the dolphin has 88 teeth."
ask me why i know this.
ps - I heart GTG.
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