I know that GTG is usually a place for fun, humor and super-happy playtime, but it is time for me to speak out about a serious epidemic that is casting a harsh shadow across some of our best and brightest in America.We have all seen this debilitating illness take victim after victim and yet we do nothing about it – which is just what it wants. It strikes all – man or woman, black or white, rich or very, very rich – Exhaustion asks nothing of those who become its prey.
We know so little about Exhaustion: is it a virus or a disease? Can you inherit Exhaustion or is it something you pick up while attending a Kanye West after party? The studies are not only inconclusive, they are non-existent!!!
When Dave Chappelle left a Sacramento stage in 2004 screaming “It turns out I’m wrong, you people are stupid!” the signs were clear. It wasn’t until he walked away from millions of dollars to the waiting arms of South Africa that the horrible figure of Exhaustion was publicly revealed.

Thankfully, the next time that Exhaustion reared it’s ugly head, there was a hero waiting to fight back. Sheriff Lee Baca astutely recognized its early signs in a helpless female victim whom he grasped from Exhaustion’s tendrils in the nick of time. But Paris Hilton was to bear the brunt of the public’s ignorance and was sent back from her prison/mansion to battle Exhaustion alone and in a semi-private correctional facility.

We see the heartbreaking aftermath as another responsible young woman has fallen to this horrible epidemic. From rehab to late night drives with close friends, Lindsay Lohan finally lost her poignant battle to Exhaustion last month shortly after close friend Brittany Spears, obviously a fellow in this horrendous epidemic, showed early signs by routinely being too tired to put on her underpants.

Spreading it’s evil grip to the world of music, Exhaustion most recently claimed health food fanatic Amy Winehouse and now Meg White has cancelled the White Stripes tour because of Exhaustion’s evil cousin, Anxiety.
Fellow Americans, how long must we stand in silence as this modern day reaper continues to rip its scathe across the elite of our society? How many more VMA awards must we sit through before we finally realize that it may already be too late? If you suspect that yet another celebrity figure may be suffering from Exhaustion, please make a YouTube video as soon as possible and announce your allegiance as passionately as you can muster for your social icon of choice.
We have been silent for too long in defense of those who may be too tired to speak for themselves.
Thanks for finally speaking out, Freylock. This has been the elephant in the room for too long now.
We should really throw a fun-raiser for these poor souls. I'm thinking pajama party theme. We could serve ambian and coke cocktails (and I ain't talkin cola, baby). I know the perfect DJ too, goes by DJ Lazy.
I think we need to run some tests on Pete Doherty. He seems to be completely immune.
I would throw in a comment right now, but I'm too exhausted.
I rest my focken case
he's famous now people. good effing job!
PS Frey, I love ya, but if yer gonna post pics of skanks with nip-slips go the extra-mile and find an uncensored one. I just spent a week trying to figure out why her nipple was rectangular before someone pointed out to me that it's a censor bar. I'm not gonna get that time back, you know.
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