Animal lovers: get thee pet insurance
So, while the blogger in me is truly ashamed, I am just not going to be able to post very much this month, if at all. January sees me working 2 jobs, the new one (which includes a nifty hour's commute each way) and the old one (yes, that's right, they missed me and came crawling back). Add to that the fact that I am searching for the holy grail of LA apartments-- a huge loft space in a decent neighborhood downtown, and I predict little blogging time to be had for the foreseeable future.Now we have another, greater complication. My beloved Sadie Mae, who is one of the cutest cats in the known universe (no lie) has been struck with leprosy. As near as anyone can tell anyway. She's been to 2 vets- one of whom called her lesions "spectacular" and then called her dermatologist friend to brag- and neither of them have any clue what the problem is. As we speak she is lying on a table in Pasadena being biopsied. They don't think that the condition is life threatening, thank God, but at the very least her treatment will require weekly vet visits for the next month and a half. Lesson to all of you who are fortunate enough to currently have healthy pets: get pet insurance. Sadie had never been sick a day in her life, and I always said I was going to get pet insurance, just in case. Well, I didn't. Now I'm paying for it, big time. Seriously. Go do it right now. It will cost you like $6 a month, and will save you a world of hurt if this happens to you.
So, here's a post I was working on before the plague struck my house. Until next time, here's hoping the new year brings you health, happiness, and lots of beats, bacon, and beer:
I'm more of a Times New Roman girl, myself, but these Helvetica hoodies are tres dorkie and, therefore, very appealing.

Speaking of sadistic things, keep an eye out on eBay for these. I always found talking toys a bit creepy. Now I know why. (via Boingboing)
* Unfortunately, Cool Hunting also reports that she was killed recently when struck by a car. I'm sure she'll be missed.
Poor Sadie - that sucks. Hope the bibop, bibip, bibib, bibopsie turns out okay.
I had plans to get pet insurance for Windy dog too, but the very first time I took her to the vet we found out she had doggie cancer, so there's no way I can get affordable coverage for that now ("pre-existing conditions" count for pets too). I guess I could still get accident insurance, but the only accident she's likely to have is not getting her ass all the way up on the couch when she jumps up, which luckily is not remotely life-threatening.
But yeah, if you have a fairly standard pet (and by standard I mean you know its history and it is relatively healthy), by all means you should get pet insurance. A lot of the shelters around here offer a free month of insurance from ShelterCare, so I'd recommend trying them.
Yeah, wish I could turn back time. Oh well.
She seems to be feeling much better today for some reason. She's even playing with the other cat, which I haven't seen her do in weeks. Fingers crossed that she's on the mend.
Give Windy some pets for me!
Harley sends Sadie his love. He says he misses her very much, get well soon and stop playing w/ other cats because he is jealous.
Oh, poor Harley. If it makes him feel better you can tell him she's totally faking it with the new cat-I can tell she misses him, too.
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