I'll Be Stoned for Christmas
That's the title of a song I heard the other day on the all xmas, all the time, XM radio station I've been listening to in my car for the last couple weeks. I admit it - I love xmas songs. Especially when they involve gettin' tore up.I love xmas trees too, but since I'm always in Texas visiting my parents for the holidays, I never bother getting one. Not so for one Miz Jones, whose lovely picture is on SFGate, along with her cutie-pants bebe. Notice how the photog conveniently positioned Daddy Zach behind the tree. Nice one. (And thanks to Feinberg for the link). Speaking of xmas trees, Tung tells me there's a totally acid tree at Pier 39, with blue LED's and strobe lights. I haven't seen it, but it sounds like it's worth checking out, whether you traditionally eat acid for xmas or not.
The hardest part about xmas for me is usually finding something cool to get my Dad. Like most dads, he doesn't ask for much, always claiming that seeing my brother and me is the best present. But he's awesome, and very generous, so I always want to get him something great that will really knock him on his ass. But what? Socks? A tie? Not gonna cut it.

And speaking of presents, if you've been scratching your head (or your crotch) wondering what on earth you're going to get Laird and Smoove this year, look no further. (Thanks to B-b-brian for the link).
As much as I appreciate you dropping a note about the family, the guy behind the tree isn't me. Its Megan's cousin Jospeph.
Get back in your tree, Zach.
Since when does Megan live in Larkspur? Is she not proud of her El Cerrito roots? Whaaaaa?
She doesn't live in el cerrito either, smarty.
Albany? Albania?
Richmond. Same as Del tha Funky Homosapien.
Obviously some people don't really know the area where she lives. Her address may say richmond but it is totally El Cerrito. Duh.
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