Yes, we're still here.
Ah, Thanksgiving in San Francisco. The turduken was nice and juicy and the white trash casserole had just the right hint of.... salt. As usual, Stefbot got too merry with the Bushmills and woke up with the word TAINT scrawled (and misspelled) on her forehead. Good times.Anyway, now that I'm unemployed I don't have time to surf the internet all day. I got stuff to do. And things. But we got so much shit this weekend for letting this blog go that I swore that the next link anyone sent me was getting posted. No matter how lame. Luckily for you guys the first email in my inbox this morning was from Otto.

So, in the interest of prodding this bitch back to life... my cat is a DJ.
By the way, this one is really for Chip and Amy, who continue to check the blog even when it sucks. Plus, Amy has promised me a "My Cat is a DJ" t-shirt, which I am still waiting for, hint hint.
PS- I will to try to update more often. Can't speak for Stefbot, tho. She's still sore about the taynt debacle.
Woo hoo! It's back on! Jesus, I almost had to start reading BOOKS or something.
BTW, I suggest that the back of your 'My Cat is a DJ' t-shirt says 'And your cat ain't even on the guest list'
ps Thanks for lunch
Phew!! Finally a reason to log on to the computer today. I was getting seriously concerned. Working on getting you your shirt, and I'll take Jfro's suggestion for the back - nice one.
like you guys could get anywhere near my forehead with windy curled up next to me on the couch. the girl tain't much of a guard dog, but lord have mercy on anyone who tries to get in the way of her cuddling with mommy.
i'm thinking about having a whole other thanksgiving meal soon cuz i couldn't stuff nearly enough food into my belly on regular thanksgiving, despite my weeks of stomach-stretching, and we missed out on all the leftovers since we didn't host this year. turkey & stuffing & gravy & green bean casserole are just too good to eat only once a year. and babs' wild mushroom risotto was damn fine...who knew you could make something so good without a single animal in it?
jess! sorry i missed you while you were here. i was on the feinberg family tour of san francisco. it lasted 8 beautiful days. just like hanukkah. but without presents. oh god. you have to love family. don't you?
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