Fitter. Happier. More productive.
Well I managed to survive Goldilox's visit over the weekend. Most of my synapses are firing again, anyway, so I got that got that going for me. Friday night's party was an interesting glimpse into the LA underground... and I made some new friends. Still sorting out my impressions, so nuff on that for now.

I've decided after spending the weekend at our friend Brian's super awesome loft that downtown living is the way to go. These places are amazing, and are filled with the coolest people. They are exactly as you'd picture an artist's loft, huge warehouse spaces with vines growing up the sides and roof access with 360 degree views of downtown, usually inhabited by really cool and creative people who are attempting to escape from the typical "LA scene." I think I may have found my dream home.
Los Angeles is still a bit of an enigma, but I think it's definitely growing on me... there are so many talented people here, but the only problem is that they are so busy working their asses off in their chosen field that hanging out is a rare treat. Fine with me, really, as one of the reasons I moved down here was to hang out a little bit less, and to be inspired to get off my ass and do something. The motivation is easy to tap into... you sit on your ass too long down here and you will be left behind.

So, what am I doing with my new found creative spark? Well, for example, the other day I made the definitive Radiohead mix. This is something I've been thinking about for at least a year. Dorky? Maybe...ok, definitely... but this is not a simple matter of throwing my fave RH songs into an ITunes playlist and clicking burn. No siree. There are multiple factors to consider when choosing the songs that make the cut, as well as the all important track order. Each of Radiohead's albums is representative of a very different facet of their collective personalities and evolution as a band, and you can't just throw The Bends in there on top of No Surprises. Perish the thought. But now that it's finished I can rest easy knowing that I possess the Best EVAR best ever Radiohead album. EVAR. Shoot me an email if you are a huge dork as well and would like the track list, or your own copy. (Talking to you here, Brownhole.)
Are you getting worried? No need... I haven't barricaded myself into the apartment and covered the walls with pics of Thom and the boys splattered with melted candle wax or anything. A simple closet shrine is enough, I think. No no, I also have spent my time on other worthwhile pursuits.

I've learned to knit. That's right. Check out this awesome little number that I made for Sadie the other day. It's being modeled by this stray that I found in the alley cuz Sadie hasn't really come around to the idea yet. She'll be begging me for a pair of adorable breeches soon, I know it. And my wounds will heal. Not worried.
All things considered I'd say things are falling into place down here. I still haven't found a really good music store, or the perfect burrito, or, you know, a JOB, but all in all a promising start to my new adventure.
PS- Wondering what everyone's getting for Christmas? That's right, cableknit Radiohead sweaters for your cats. Yay.
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