We're here to steal your pornography, and sodomize our vast imaginations.

In the spirit of Stefbot's last post, and this blog's obsession with ATHF:
Which Aquateen Hunger Force character are you?
I'm Master Shake:
"You're the leader of the Aqua Teen Hunger Force! Nobody seems to listen to you though, so you kick Meatwad around to make up for it."
Yeah, right. In the immortal words of Ash from Army of Darkness, I "ain't leadin' but two things: Jack and shit... and Jack just left town." The "nobody seems to listen to you" part is right on enough though. Can't wait to see who turns out to be Meatwad, cause I'll be seein you a bit later, little guy...
Man, I remember when Cosmo quizzes were all about how compatible you and your man are. Times have changed.
So I got Master Shake, too. But I think they neglected to include the character I most relate to. Probably cause he lives in the Belle Isle Asylum.
woohoo! i got meatwad! now jess and i can battle tonight. i'm open for business. the business of kickin' your ass. and business is boomin'.
do what now?
Wow. My Little Pony AND Meatwad. You're just a bundle o' whupass waitin to be unleashed, aren't ya?
That's why you fall down the stairs all the time!
Whoah. You want a quiz? Check out the one on DJ Tanner's website [via I Can Change This Later, Right?]
I thought my days of partying might be nearing an end. Now I know I have an eternity of partying waiting for me in hell. And I know ya'll are gonna be there rocking all-night every-night with me! Satan, conjure up an 8-ball cause I'm coming home!
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