Teeth are for gay people
...That's why faeries come to get them.Well, it seems that the ole Jessperado has been too sick to post, so allow me to fill up a moment of your Friday afternoon with two notable bits of news.
Exhibit A: You thought they were bad at driving...
Exhibit B: Apparently, in Massachusetts, you still need to fight for your right to pa-a-a-arty.
Today is a good day to be happy that you live in the city by teh bay, where the cops come to your party to look at pretty girls, rather than to throw drunk boys to the ground in a sad attempt to prove their manliness.

I need teef. Please petition your compassionate readers to donate used teef or solid cash for me. I know a place across from Sweet's Ballroom. 'Gold Teef Master'. I gotta get in there. Then to the hat shop. Help me rise above. The favor will be returned. Ask cousin Nee Nee. I'm for reel, check the tapes. Share the blog wealth. i know you whore it.
Horde it. sorry. peace to yo posse! We got yo back -- None the less.
I am an innately heathen explorer without bounds and yet destined unwaverling as the stoic driven to simplicity. No single credo can define or reduce this to more than the fact that I can prove that life is better without shoes. Teeth are the commodity to guard. Protect your future. What can you count on teeth for -- Food you chew is food left more productive alive. Trace back to the source.
Can't you remember that one conversation you had this evening that made perfecr sense? That dialogue would have been all you'd need, if only you'd been not filled with rebuttal.
einmal ist keinmal
Damn. You're high.
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