You don't need a machine to make a rainbow...
...for rainbows are made of happy thoughts and dreams and chocolate unicorns and gumdrops and licorice sunsets.I wasn't going to post anything today. I'm not feeling very well, and so even though I'm stuck at home with nothing to do but watch Date My Mom with my roommate, I just couldn't muster the energy to sit here in front of my (slowly dying) laptop and write the inevitable zombie post that recent discoveries have ensured will have to happen within the next week. But I'm just not ready yet. So I decided if I was going to post anything it would have to be something nice. Something clean and beautiful. So I went off in search of something clean and beautiful, and found the art of Eric Feng. (via Cool Hunting)

Have a nice day. I mean that. They may be numbered.
FUCK! I didn't realize zombies would proliferate so quickly. Shazamgam!
Yes. If those zombie dogs get out of the lab we are all screwed. I recommend you formulate a solid zombie plan, just in case.
For example, I keep a shotgun here in my cubicle and beside my bed at all times. Hell, if the zombie thing never happens at least it keeps my coworkers from bothering me.
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