Thursday, June 09, 2005

Hipsters vs. Ravers

I'm not sure if it's healthy to have cabin fever this bad by Thursday, cause damn I'm chompin at the bit. I think if I had to spend one more night at home staring at my TV I would go insane. Sucks to be broke, folks. Which is why it's a very good thing that not only do I get to hang out with Nastily Makesh Makerekesh tonight for the first time in forever, but that we were able to wrangle some free tix to see the Lovemakers at the Independent.

Now I've never seen the Lovemakers (although I've heard they kick ass) but I always look forward to a night of hipster hunting at the Independent. Next to Rickshaw Stop, the Independent is the premiere spot at which to catch these adorably jaded little imps in their natural habitat. Which is why I was very excited to see that my absolute favorite blog EVAR, My Blog is Poop, chose today of all days to post "how to appear in a hipster photoblog"

As I was reading through this list, chuckling to myself and no doubt feeling oh so superior to these twenty something git-teratti, it occurred to me that these kids are no more ridiculous than the old school ravers that frequent our parties. Just exchange the apathy for PLUR, and the bad Pat Benatar hairdo for dreads, and there you have it. So I've compiled my own list: How to appear in an SF raver photoblog.

-- Look directly at the camera. Smile big. You don't have much choice, really, the drugs are making these decisions for you now, and you haven't been able to stop smiling for the past 5 hours.

-- hug that person next to you really close. You don't remember her name even thought you've met her 15 times, but you really really feel a connection to her. You're pretty sure it's something like Sugar Kitten, or maybe Andromeda.

-- Show your ass. Cause it's all about ass. ass ass ass ass. Think about all the fun words that we can modify to contain the word ass: TexASS, bASS, blASSt, pASSt, mASS, harASS the fun just never ends!!!!!! ASS!

-- Stand next to Smoove.

-- If you can't decide what to wear, wear a cowboy hat. Yeah, a pink one!

-- If you're the DJ, make it look like you're actually doing something technical. Like pretend to adjust the tempo, or hold your headphones to one side to let people know that you're cueing up your next sick track. (this one's actually a direct quote of Bob's list- cause some things are universal)

If you don't believe me, just check out any of the pics on MV Galleries. Any of them. Doesn't matter. I should say, in all fairness, that you very well might see me in some of them doing any number of the above. It's true. I'm not proud of myself.

Wow, I'm getting really jaded and bitter. This post could've been written by Kirsten, fer fucks sake. Sorry, KC, I'll stop encroaching on your territory. Maybe I'll see you tonight at the Independent. Don't be offended if I pretend not to notice you, I'll be busy practicing looking bored and disinterested. I've decided to become a hipster. I'm allergic to faux fur.


At 4:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, snap! I guess when you come from Middle Earth you start to look at partiers in a different light.

At 9:11 AM, Blogger Jess said...


Hey, "anonymous", your mama's an ork.

And I ain't hatin on people- like I said, I've done all of those things myself. Well, except for the wearing a cowboy hat part. There are some lines that just shouldn't be crossed ;)

At 10:10 AM, Blogger stefbot said...

hey didn't you used to do barrel racing when you were younger, jess? and you're telling me you never wore a cowboy hat?

my view is that cowboy hats are perfectly acceptable in the right context. some examples of acceptable cowboy hat contexts are willie nelson concerts, parties on rivers and at ranches (where i lost my cowboy hat, which was purchased at the texas state fair in san antoni-doh!), and burning man, unless you're laird. actually there are NO acceptable cowboy hat contexts for him.

At 10:46 AM, Blogger Jess said...

Yeah, I was thinking more of the whole cowboy hat as fashion accessory phenom. Amittedly they can be very handy when put to the use for which god intended them- keeping sun off your face and dust out of your hair.

Never wore one when I was barrel racing though- our philosophy was that if you were able to keep a hat on in a barrel race you just weren't going fast enough. (Yes, we were that cool ;) Plus the last thing you want in that situation is a hat flying off and spooking your horse.

At 12:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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