Thursday, June 02, 2005

Is fire an emotion? How about 'chocoholic'?

Just a little piece of robot brilliance, courtesy of the very Reverend Otto.

Call me sentimental and old-fashioned, but if I saw that dude on the street, I probably wouldn't even notice him, and if I did, I'd probably think he looked kinda like a Wanker. Thank god we have this damn internet to show us the brilliant and shiny inner robot inside of all the doofy-looking Wankers wandering around the streets.

And speaking which, do you know what happens to old Wankers when they die?

That's right. They get gerber daisies.


At 6:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What did you expect? Eugene Mirman would be 10 feet tall and purple?

He's probably a lot funnier than you, anyway. Good night, ink-jet.


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