Hump day links

DJ Haaaaaahteeee, also known as Diplo, has a new website. You can buy his new CD Favela Strikes Back here, and download the Haiti on Blast MP3, which is cute. Doctor Otto just came back from Texass with his CD Florida, which is not what you'd expect. Very eclectic, and it sort of feels like he was really trying to capture his sense of that place rather than create a consistant mix of tracks. Or maybe he just hadn't really settled on a style yet. Whatever, I ain't hatin, it's really good.

In the animal world, humpback whales are remixing each other's songs (huuump back- with my mind on my money and my money on my mind, and I wanna hump it to name a couple of recent tracks), and rats are kicking the junk.
Oh, and Boingboing compiles the best of squirrel. Most of 'em are kinda lame, but this lady's nuts. Get it? Nuts? He. He he. I'm even punnier than usual today. If you don't have time to check out the whole site, you gotta at least have a look at these fierce drunken squirrel kung fu action shots. For real real, not for play play, scroll down to the bottom of the page. Trust me.
above links via Catchdubs and Boingboing
Ok, now this one just takes the cake. Seriously. Most f-ed up thing ever. I'm speechless. Can someone, anyone out there think of a way to make living with this knowledge any easier? If so, call me. link via Pandas
1. Where'd you get that pic of Shamu on the mic? That's cool.
2. Sugar Bush Squirrel is most definitely not real (or at least living). There is just no way I can believe those pics. There is absolutely no way that a squirrel, even one living in Boca Raton, FL, would be a Bush supporter. I mean, he's the anti-environment president. Squirrels know that more than anyone. Of course, GW did try coke once and to a squirrel that's powerful mojo...
1. Not sure, I think I googled whale mc or something equally inventive.
2. Doesn't that poor squirrel look like it just wishes someone would pull its feeding tube?
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