Graffiti the Ghost in the Machine
Good gottdam it's a beautiful day in San Francisco. So why am I inside? Well, mostly cause my people burn on contact with the sun. Really, it's not pretty. But also because there's so much stuff going on in world news today, and I can't bear the thought of people not knowing that:COMPUTERS CURE DEATH, simultaneously inspiring hundreds of sci fi horror movie plots:

DEATH could become a thing of the past by the mid-21st century as computer technology becomes sophisticated enough for the contents of a brain to be "downloaded" on to a supercomputer, according to a leading British futurologist. link

Futurologist? Is that seriously a job? If so, sign me up. I predict that man eating and evil natured robots will spell the end for humankind as we know it in the year 2063. Our only hope will be a young girl named Yoshimi. She's a blackbelt in karate. Now pay me.
Oh, and I'm so gonna get me some manga hair.

Speaking of virtual heroines, anyone who played Tomb Raider back in the day remembers that Lara Croft's boobs got larger and larger with each sequel. Well, evidently she started to complain to Eidos about back pain, cause they finally granted her a breast reduction. That's what they say, anyway. My theory is that they finally got so big they just exploded.

Oh, and last but not least, check out these photos from the Neckface exhibit in Lon-d-d-don. link via Cool Hunting.
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