Fashion and Forties
Sorry for the lag in posting. It's been really hard for me to get back in the swing of things this week. I did have a lovely weekend though.First off, on Friday I went to see Revenge of the Sith. Believe the hype. It's good. Some folks might like it more than others, and there are still some obvious flaws, but anyone who says it was complete crap is just hating for the sake of hating.

It is dark- very dark. This movie is the story of the creation of one of the greatest movie villians of our generation, and IMHO it rises to the challenge. I was fully entertained the whole time. Keep an eye out for the obvious Bush administration parallels that will probably sail right over the heads of the red staters who see the film. You can read Kevin Smith's review here, but beware spoilers.
Still wet from Vadar's afterbirth, we decided to go and check out the Wildlife crew's new monthly held every third Friday at Club 222. I like this little bar- they have a friendly staff and good soju mojitos. Maybe it's because I'm getting older, but I really prefer nights like this nowadays- hanging with some good friends in a small bar and just talking about stuff and acting stupid. You know, like doing your best Kyung Rok impression. So... Jess. Baby. Break it down for me... what about this new guy you told me about? I want details... (Much love to Rok, who always remembers that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Or something like that.)
Saturday night we hit up the Cloud Factory Fashion show. Husky Bwoys ruled the evening. I've always appreciated a man with a little meat on his bones, and these fellas delivered the goods, working that runway like Tyra Banks on steroids. Big ups, guys! Pun most definitely intended. I'll post pics as soon as Stef sends them to me.

Sunday the lady Tamo hosted a little impromptu trunk show at her pad, which provided a great excuse to grill out on the sidewalk in some rare SF sun with a 40 oz. Hot dogs and fashion go so well together, don't you think? The show featured Tamo's Greengirl hoods, ViaJay wear, and Kyra, who is going to hook me up with my very own HELL JESS belt buckle. Check out her stuff, it's wikkid.
After a fun filled weekend like that it's really hard to come back to work.

But things like the Ding Dong song definitely help to smooth the transition. Gotta love those Europeans. They are an endless source of entertainment.
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