So, thanks yet again to boingboing, I've been introduced to the funniest site I've seen in a long time. It's a brilliant idea. How many times a day to you hear snippits of conversation that just make you giggle uncontrollably? And no, I'm not just talking about the voices in your head (although I'm sure they do pull off some doozies sometimes). Well, this site collects those little gems, and compiles them for your enjoyment into a blog called Overheard in New York. Some of my favorites so far:
Yuppie: I don't think he's working now. All he ever talks about is monkeys and robots.
Dumb teen: Hey, look at this! It says "Train for jobs in beeyotch."
Smarter teen: Fool! That word is biotech. Why you gotta be ignorant all your life?
--1 train

Woman #1: Ah, look at those beautiful puppies.
Woman #2: Puppies are bullshit
-- Bay Ridge
Kid #1: Paper beats rock. BAM! Your rock is blowed up!
Kid #2: "Bam" doesn't blow up, "bam" makes it spicy. Now I got a SPICY ROCK! You can't defeat that!
--6 Train
Ah, yes. Once again, truth is funnier than fiction.

I do feel that we could hold a candle to NY in terms of ridiculous conversations, though. I mean, c'mon, for a city that only measures 7x7 miles, we have a wonderfully diverse mix of insane homeless folks, radically left activists, uptight yuppies, nudists, and freaky burners.
Let's prove the theory. If you hear (or have heard) any bits of conversations that you think epitomize the beautiful absurdity of life in SF, send them to graffititheghost@yahoo.com. I'll collect any submissions I get and compile them into a future post. Please be sure to let me know where you heard them and from whom.
Or, if you prefer, just catch me out and about. If my mouth is open, chances are good that something stupid will come out of it.
hey jess, where didja get that puppy picture? the one at the top almost looks like a baby windy, 'cept with a rounder head.
i once overheard a crazy dude saying "nobody tells a man when to stop eating crackers" over & over while he walked down the street throwing crackers over his shoulder. no wait, that was paul.
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