Top 5

I'm currently reading Nick Hornsby's High Fidelity, which I highly recommend. Even if you've seen the movie a million times, the original is British, which in itself makes it different enough from the film to be worth a read.
One of the things in the movie that I had totally forgotten about until I read the book was the top 5 lists that Barry, Rob and Ed entertain themselves with while hanging around the record shop. Being music geeks, most of their top 5s center on obscure B sides by artists most people in the world have never heard of, and the whole point of the things is usually to "rubbish" everyone else's picks.
All the same, it reminded me of a time when my friends and I would play this game on every topic under the sun. In fact, we used to have these things called "pop books" in grade school. Someone would staple together a bunch of pages of blank notebook paper, and at the top of every page would be a heading, usually something really lame like, "5 favorite foods" or "5 boys you like." The book would make the rounds, and you could read everyone else's answers and add your own. Good times.
So, I decided to come up with some top 5ers of my own, for shits and giggles. Feel free to add your own in the comments section, or rubbish mine, or whatever.
First off, an easy one.

1. Flying. Obvious, yes, but still and eternally the coolest.
2. Invisibility
3. The ability to talk to animals and make them do your bidding. Granted, not the most useful if you live in a city, but in Africa or Alabama or somewhere like that it would totally rule.
4. Invincibility.
5. Spidey sense.
1. Big Time, by Peter Gabriel. Or Sledgehammer. They might as well be the same song.
2. Walking on Sunshine
3. Kokomo
4. Anything written by Phil Collins for a Disney movie.
5. Anything sung with a German accent. Yes, even that one by The Scorpians.

1. Uma vs. The Crazy 88 in Kill Bill
2. Bruce Lee vs. Han in Enter the Dragon
3. Jen vs. Li Mu Bai in the bamboo in Crouching Tiger
4. Ash vs. his hand in Evil Dead 2
5. Roy vs. Deckard in Bladerunner
1. Starving. Hell, I get cranky when I haven't eaten in a couple hours.
2. Being pulled apart by 2 transfer trucks like Jennifer Jason Leigh in the Hitcher.
3. Boiled like that guy at the beginning of Shogun
4. Skinned
5. This way
Sorry, I guess those last 2 were a bit dark. Here's a picture of a puppy sniffing a flower:

There, now isn't that better?
This is my last post until Tuesday- I'm off to Coachella. Have a wonderful weekend folks. Oh, and if you're looking for something to do on Saturday night, I know where I'd be if I were in town- the last party ever at The Catclub is being thrown by Eklectic, and they've put together one helluva breaks and DnB lineup. Details.
Oh my god I love the Scorpions. Their album Lovedrive is such a cornerstone of ambiguously gay power ballad-rock. When's the reunion tour?!
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