Water blogged
Of all the posts that have made it to the ghost, the one that I've gotten the most feedback by far from has been about the Liger. Now, I realize that could be because none of you have read the blog since that particular post. But I'm going to give myself the benefit of the doubt and hope that it's just because you are all either huge animal lovers, or huge dorks who worship Napoleon Dynamite. Or both.Anyway, as a follow up to the Liger story I give you the Wholphin:

A RARE whale-dolphin mix has given birth to a playful female calf, officials at a Hawaii water life park have revealed. link
Do you think she gave birth by sea section? Somebody stop me...
via You Can't Make it Up
And in Australia, this guy's my new baby daddy:

CANBERRA, Australia (AP) -- A surfer fought off a two-meter (7-foot) shark with his board at an Australian beach Saturday -- then continued surfing, a life guard said. link
Achieving heights of bad ass hotness heretofore only glimpsed in this guy:

and this guy:
oh, and of course, this guy.
Final link courtesy of MV Galleries, where you can see more pics of our Saturday night post Golden Gate Park drunken hotness here
dude - i didnt give you rights to my pic. i want royalties.
Bruce? Is that you? I knew you weren't dead- I just knew it.
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