Encyclopedia Britannia
Since things have been pretty quiet on the domestic front lately, I've decided to turn the focus overseas for a moment. KC has already covered the making-fun-of-French-people quota for this month, so let's take a crack at the Brits, shall we? Alrighty then...
Now, I realize that most of you only know of Britain through old episodes of Mr. Show, and that you probably already know not to talk to pans, and not to listen to British people. You likely also know that only British people can fly.
However, you might not know that these ingenious people have also invented something that my friends and I have been envisioning for years: the silent disco. Of course, we would never call it a disco. How silly.
You might also be surprised to learn that Britain is an island. That's right, an island. And that it has been purchased by Rod "if you want my body" Stewart.

And that the BBC, always on the cutting edge, recently requested an interview with Bob Marley. Presumably to have been conducted by this guy:
Finally, you should know, especially if you plan to visit the island, that Britain is a very dangerous place, where deadly plants and insects and lava spewing volcanoes are but a few of the life threatening perils you will face.
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