Birth pangs

Ok, so I've got a little first post performance anxiety. But I remember when I learned how to dive for the first time. My swim teacher told me, "just put your arms up, and lean forward until you fall in." I asked her, "won't I fall on my face?" She thought about it for a minute. Then she shrugged and nodded. "You might."
So, best to just dive in then. My reasons for starting this blog are twofold:
1) I've got a lot of funny friends. And even more friends who fancy themselves funny. (no, I'm not British. I just like the word 'fancy.' Bugger off.) I have casual assurances from a few of these folks that they will provide content from time to time. Those of you who I haven't talked to already, please, post when you want to. If you don't want to post, at least leave a comment or two when the mood strikes. Or criticize my grammar (you know who you are). Whatever.
2) My friends (see #1) are getting really tired of me constantly emailing them links to things that I find thighslappingly hilarious (and yes, they are that funny. and yes, thighslappingly is a word). I know this from receiving several comments along the lines of, "so, what exactly do you do all day?" (and not just from my boss). So, from now on I will stop cramming your inbox with these things. If you want to see what incredibly cool or interesting content I've found or been introduced to in my daily audit of the internerd, check in from time to time. Unless it is a picture of you with a ball gag in your mouth, which I would never post in a public forum like this, you will find it here. Side note- any pics of you wearing a ball gag will instead be very privately emailed to a distribution list of 50 people or less. I may or may not cc you on this email. Again, you know who you are.
And, for those who were wondering, this is in no way an attempt to replace another, recently departed and very much missed blog. I wouldn't even presume to try.
Also, please remember that this blog is a newborn. And that until very recently I was a luddite. But expect growth- hell, maybe I'll even learn how to post pics eventually.
Let the games begin.
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Drunk. You're drunk again, aren't you Dad? Jesus Christ. This is so embarrassing.
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