The cure for suicidal tendencies
So, I'm not one of those people who hates Mondays. I like my job, getting up early doesn't kill me, and by this time I usually need a break from my weekend just to recover. But today is a particularly bad one. The weather can't figure out if it wants to be sunny and cold or rainy and cold, they've replaced the Red Vines in my office with Twizzlers (did they really think we wouldn't notice?), and I have some kind of weird boomerang hangover (boomerangover? ha!) that somehow skipped Sunday morning and instead came back to bite me in the ass on Monday morning. Luckily the first thing I popped in my cd drive this morning was an old mix CD from Megs that featured "Fucking in Rhythm and Sorrow". Trust me. It helps. So, just in case any of you are having a rough one as well, here is a picture of Bjork:
he looks at me hopeless with tears in his eyes,
goes out of the window and up on the roof.
oh naked man, naked man calm down,
i'll give you some strawb'ry cake!
don't act like there is no tomorrow,
life's bothsweet and sour.
Tak’i takt & trega. ja!
And if you're having a really tough day, and that didn't do the trick, go watch her (semi) new video here. If you still feel bad after watching Bjork dance around with a man-sized housecat, it's because your heart is cold and dead. There's nothing more we can do for you.
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