You heard it here first
Breaking news- the search continues for the owner of the missing finger. What's happening? I'll tell you. The mafia is disposing of its victims by grinding up their bodies in meat packing plants that they own (the mafia owns the plants, I mean, not the victims) and then selling the meat to fast food restaurants. It's true. I read it on the internet. Ok, I wrote it on the internet. And it's mostly speculation based on a twisted conversation I had last night with Mike and Ranu as we were enjoying our Biggie Supremes (now with extra Adriana!). But it could be true. Mike's part Italian, so he knows about these things.
"Yo, you want fries wit dat?"
PS- If I should "mysteriously disappear" after posting this, please think of me when you order that double cheeseburger. And get it with extra bacon- I would have wanted it that way.
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