The sneaker wars
While the eyes of the world continue to focus on the conflict overseas, there is an often overlooked battle raging right here in our own backyards: the sneaker wars. The goal: to win the hearts and minds of American men aged 16-35.Adidas throws down the gauntlet:

A mystery until today, number 35 is certainly the most sought after and difficult to obtain. Before you can get a pair, you have to get a golden ticket. And to do that you have to participate in a treasure hunt. And it all happens today link
Not to be outdone, Puma responds, "Make your own damn shoe":

the Mongolian Shoe BBQ, is a natural evolution of the customization trend. It works rather simply, you walk in to the store and select the different parts that get assembled to make a shoe. You have a wide variety of color and material choices and there are no rules for matching, symmetry or pattern
When reached for comment, the West Coast Sales Rep for Adidas responded, "Damn Mongorians!!"
links via Josh Rubin
Ed note: quotes on this blog can and will be fabricated at the whim of the author, and are not to be taken literally. Even if they are funnier than the actual quote that the person it is attributed to would ever in a million years have made. :)
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