Love's soundtrack
I was talking to my friend Erin the other day, and the conversation turned to relationships- you know, what we want, don't want, etc. Then she dropped one of the most inspired lines I’ve heard recently: “I just want a relationship that sounds like Yo La Tengo’s 'And Then Nothing Turned Itself Inside-out’ album.”I responded, "you mean you want a guy that likes that album?”
“No, you know, I want a relationship that an album like that would have been written about.”
I instantly understood exactly what she meant, and it struck me as being a pretty cool way to think about what you expect from a relationship. I mean, it just seems so much more precise than thinking of a list of attributes or something, and infinitely more flexible and realistic. It’s based on a feeling or an atmosphere more than anything concrete. Like love.

So, it got me thinking. Who would write the soundtrack to my ideal relationship? I think I’ve decided it would be Damien Rice. His music makes me want to rip out my heart, douse it with Irish whiskey, set it on fire and hand it to the person sitting next to me. It’s sincere and sometimes melancholy, but without wallowing in itself or being sappy and wimpy. And it’s also goofy and hilarious at times. This music has a backbone, a sharp wit, and a heart. And huge balls. This music knows when to whisper in your ear, and when to grab you by the hair and throw you against the wall. Wait, are we still talking about music? Ehem. Anyway…
So, who would write your love’s soundtrack? If you’re already in a relationship, you can still play. Does waking up next to your mate make you think of Cat Power, or is it more like a Snoop Dog/ Huey Lewis mashup?

PS- why does this post make me feel like Carrie Bradshaw without the Manolo Blahniks or tight abs?
(What, were you expecting more ninjas and SouthPark references? I'm still a girl, ok?)
Wow. I just realized that the way the pics on the last 2 posts are right on top of each other is pretty freaky- like the before and after pics of the skinning of Sarah Jessica Parker. Unintended, but kind of cool.
Mine would hafta be "Eye Know" by De La Soul. Hip hop love, yo.
here's da lyrics:
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